The Malditas are coming to California
The Philippine Women’s National Soccer Team, “The Malditas”, will be coming to California to compete in the Inaugural LA Vikings Cup; and they are holding a FREE clinic at the Region 174 soccer fields in Granada Hills this Saturday, November 18th, 10:00am to 2:00pm!! (The soccer fields are located at 13100 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills, CA 91344, on the property of the Metropolitan Water District.)
Come meet The Malditas!!
The clinic is FREE to all registered AYSO players in Areas 10V and 10S of all age divisions. Please R.S.V.P. to: Spaces are limited, so save your spot in the clinic now!
Hope to see you there!
Volunteers needed for this event! Contact us at:
The Mission within the mission
During my Martial Arts journey I was “awakened” in 1999 when I started training in the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) under Guro Dan Inosanto. Up until I started training in FMA, when I would train in other Martial Arts I would first bow to the flags then to my instructor. FMA was the first one, in my experience, where we Honored God FIRST before acknowledging anything or anyone else. One of the meanings of the FMA bow of always growing Spiritually, mentally, and physically under Divine guidance embraced the journey in my Life Mission in the Christian Faith.
Originally, I was asked to write an article about my accolades during my 25 years of Martial Arts training. But after a recent mission trip to New York I realized that my students are my greatest accolade as a Martial Artist. My Guro–Guro Dan Inosanto told me, “the best way to learn is to teach”. And I have learned a lot from having the honor of teaching these young students at BKC. Watching them perform an FMA demonstration at an International Festival for the Maryknoll Sisters in Ossining, NY made me proud. The students gave demonstrations with the single stick, double stick, the sword, and assisted in the self defense application of using one’s training with the resources at hand; from a scarf, to a book, to an umbrella, we even demonstrated with a back scratcher, and to the empty hand. As their Guro, I noticed every detail. Yes, there were small mistakes, but they never stopped moving. And Life is like that; you make a mistake, you learn, and keep moving because God’s Word teaches us we are not promised tomorrow so let’s make the most of today or the moment. I was a proud teacher because my students, David, Daniel, and Marcella, were not there performing for themselves, but for the love of God, their Family, and their Filipino Culture. There was no trophy or medal to be handed out. It was about sharing not receiving. After their performance I was asked so many questions about our culture: “I didn’t know the Philippines had a Martial Arts?’, “I didn’t know FMA was hidden in many of the Filipino Folk dances?”, etc. It’s the stirring of these questions that gave us another wonderful opportunity to share the Beauty of our culture.
Not only did the FMA students perform, they had the opportunity to meet with many of the Sisters (Nuns) at Maryknoll, and more importantly, they had the opportunity to learn about the Maryknoll Missions throughout the world. They met these amazing Sisters who showed “their mission”, not just around the world, but in their everyday life; Honoring God through selfless giving. To me, that’s what it’s truly all about in my training of the Filipino Martial Arts. If you Honor God, you will obey what he commands; take care of our bodies so we can care for others, treat others as you want to be treated, honor thy mother and father, protect the weak, be humble, be quick to listen and slow to anger, etc. I can keep going on. All these Biblical lessons lead to selflessness or as Jesus has taught us, sacrificial love.
In order to give sacrificial love to our loved ones, we have to pray & train. I use the oxygen on a plane as an example. As we flew out of JFK airport, before Hurricane Sandy struck, the flight attendants instruct us in a case of emergency, to place our oxygen mask on first before putting it on our loved ones. In my opinion, Honoring God and Martial Arts are like the oxygen masks. The Bible teaches us to breathe in the Breath of Life and Martial Arts teaches us to breathe and train properly so we can protect our life and the life of others. We don’t pray and train for if an emergency happens, but for when an emergency happens; from a family emergency to an attack on the street. On the same note, if we humble ourselves and “…treat people the same way you want them to treat you,” (Matthew 7:12 NASB) how many conflicts can be avoided. The Bible teaches, “’God is opposed to the proud, gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him , because He cares for you..” (1 Peter 5:5-7 NASB). Reading scripture like this in my daily prayer before my duties as a Papa, a Pediatric ICU RN, as a Guro, and as a Family man gives purpose to my Life Mission. In essence, the amount of time I can live without oxygen is longer than the amount time I can live without God.
“In all you do, Breathe and Believe”, ~Guro Ed Cadiz RN
BKC’s Summer 2012 programs come to an end
Good-bye to all of our new and continuing LFP and FMA students… until we reopen our doors again in 2013! Thank you to all the parents who have continued to bring their kids to BKC on Saturdays every year during the hot summers, despite everyone’s busy summer vacation schedules. Thank you to this summer’s teaching staff, Mia, Maan, Jennifer and Stevie! Thank you to Guro Ed for your constant dedication to BKC’s martial arts class, year after year! Thank you to CSUN FASA for all the Saturday morning set-ups and clean-ups that help make our LFP and FMA classes run smoothly and timely.
Everyone’s countless volunteer hours are tremendously appreciated by Bahay Kubo Center, who is blessed to have every single one of you in the BKC family. We will miss you all, until we meet again next year. The planning, assessment and fundraising for 2013 begins!
BKC’s Learn Filipino, Filipino Martial Arts and Folk Dance is back for the 2nd session!
BAHAY KUBO CENTER’s Learn Filipino and Martial Arts programs are returning for the second session this Saturday, July 14th at 9:45am. We hope you will continue on with these great enrichment programs for people of all ages. The second session will also include Folk Dance. We look forward to seeing everyone again!
If you missed the first session, you are welcome to come visit and observe our classroom activities. Get to know our program facilitators in preparation for our upcoming sessions and workshops. Halina kayo sa ating Bahay Kubo Center! Classes are held at 17531 Rinaldi St., Granada Hills, CA 91344. (For more information, please visit our website at:, or call us at (818) 832-1941).
It was a lot of fun at the Celebrity Center in Hollywood last Saturday night. Amazing young talents came together for an entertaining show. Each artist brought it that night, their superb talents, that is. When up and coming young artists can put on a show like that, when they still have their entire futures ahead of them, it brings pride to our community that Filipinos are definitely super talented and not to be reckoned with, when it comes to the stage!
Then there were the amazing kids! Students of Filipino Martial Arts performed a routine, under the instruction of Guro Ed Cadiz. It was so amazing and exciting to watch. They put on an show that displayed how far they’ve come with their Saturday workshops at BKC.
One of the artists, Daryl Ogalino, is also a former BKC student of the Learn Filipino Program. So much pride was felt throughout the audience as they watched his stellar talent shine on stage. Everyone was proud to see their kids on stage sing, dance, fight and parade their traditional Filipino costumes.
Bahay Kubo Center would like to thank Annie Nepomuceno and all the producers of the show for including the BKC kids in this event. BKC’S collaborations with other groups like FilAmJam 2012 is what makes our community thrive, as it shares and strengthens our rich culture and heritage. Annie is also the vocal instructor for some of the BKC kids who performed their Bahay Kubo song that evening. She also wrote and composed that jingle for BKC. Many, many thanks! Congratulations to all the producers, artists, dancers, BKC kids, Guro Ed, parents and all who were involved with putting this great show together!
- Photo by Kay Sagarbarria
- Photo by Kay Sagarbarria
- Photo by Kay Sagarbarria
FilAm Jam concert to benefit Bahay Kubo Center
Opening day at Bahay Kubo Center was another success! We had an orientation to our programs, and began the Learn Filipino and Filipino Martial Arts classes. Everyone had a great time seeing old faces, and especially meeting new ones. Our fantastic team of teachers have developed an improved LFP curriculum to grow and evolve along with the continuing students, as well as catering to the new students. It’s always exciting at Bahay Kubo when students return to learn from a valuable cultural enrichment program, as well as have fun with old and new friends.
It’s not too late to join our programs! Please stop by for a visit this Saturday, at 10:00am for our LFP class, and at 11:30 for our FMA class. Classes are held at 17531 Rinaldi Street in Granada Hills. Parking is behind the Hillcrest Christian School on Shoshone Ave. See you there!
Join us at Bahay Kubo Center on April 21st!
(Click image to enlarge)
Bahay Kubo Center will reopen its doors on Saturday, April 21st at 9:00 am. Come to the first day of the spring workshop as we reintroduce our Learn Filipino Program and Filipino Martial Arts class. Bring your children, grandchildren and friends to meet the teachers, the martial arts instructor and continuing students from previous sessions. All ages welcome!
Help the Filipino culture thrive with the current generation of Filipino-Americans who can learn some conversational Filipino, martial arts, history, geography, folk arts dances and arts & crafts. Register now!.
If you would like more information about our programs, contact us now!
Even if you do not know anyone who can benefit from our programs, you may help us with our mission by supporting our organization with a donation, or by volunteering your time or knowledge. We are always looking for help in the classrooms, with projects, with events and with anything that helps promote and enrich the community with our rich heritage. More information will follow in the coming weeks. Hope to see you soon!
Ask what you can do for BKC
The key programs at Bahay Kubo Center are just around the corner, with an anticipated April opening day for the Spring session of the Learn Filipino Program (LFP) and Filipino Martial Arts (FMA). People have been inquiring about the various programs that BKC will be offering this spring relative to language classes, martial arts and folk arts dance. The truth is, BKC would love to offer as many Filipino cultural enrichment programs and workshops as possible. However, this little nonprofit is in need of more volunteers to support such programs.
Fortunately, BKC has a loyal parent and volunteer base that helps the programs continue each year. But what can the community do to help this center continue to thrive and expand beyond the boundaries of the San Fernando Valley? With limited resources, BKC can only reach Valley residents and the neighboring Santa Clarita Valley community. In order to fulfill its mission to reach the Greater Los Angeles Filipino American community one day, more volunteers are needed to help this center grow.
If you have children, grandchildren or friends who are first, second or third generation Filipino, as well as mixed cultural background, please take a moment to think about the value of keeping your culture alive for generations to come. You can make a big difference if you could share some of your time with BKC. You don’t need to be a teacher to facilitate a class, just have a mutual interest in showing this generation of Filipino Americans some language and history. The LFP Program is a predesigned class originally created by the founders of Bahay Kubo Center, alumni of the University of the Philippines. You can step right into a classroom setting at any time, even as a substitute facilitator, because the template is already in place. Or you can simply assist in a class, as needed, with arts and crafts, special projects or costume-making. If you have Filipino martial arts under your belt, please inquire on how you can participate with the FMA program, to assist or substitute as needed. BKC is always in need of back-up volunteers. Come visit, spend some time watching the programs in action, and see how you can share some of your spare time by getting involved with these valuable enrichment programs.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming announcements regarding the reopening of BKC’s doors to the Spring Workshops. It will be another exciting year! Halina kayo sa ating Bahay Kubo Center!
For inquiries please You may also call (818) 832-1941.